In Elberton, Georgia, there is a mysterious monument that has been stirring up controversy for many years; The Georgia Guidestones. It is a large granite slab with strange inscriptions and symbols on it, and many people have wondered what its true purpose is. Some say that it’s a dire warning for the future, while others believe that it is a message derived from an ancient artifact with mystical properties.
The Georgia Guidestones was erected in 1980, and it is made up of six granite slabs that are each about 20 feet tall. The stones are arranged in a formation that is similar to Stonehenge with the inscriptions written in eight different languages. The monument has been nicknamed “The American Stonehenge”.
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No one knows for sure who created the Georgia Guidestones or why, but there are many theories. One theory is that a man named R.C. Christian commissioned the monument. It is unknown if R.C. Christian was a man or a pseudonym for a group of people who wanted to remain anonymous. Another theory is that the Guidestones are actually a warning from aliens about what will happen to Earth if we don’t change our unsustainable ways.
There are ten guidelines inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones. These guidelines cover a wide range of topics, including population control, environmentalism, and democracy. Some people believe that these guidelines are a blueprint for a New World Order and that the Georgia Guidestones are a way to control the population. Others believe that the guidelines are simply meant to be a set of ideals that we should strive for.
The ten guidelines inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones are as follows:
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
The first guideline calls for population control. This is a controversial topic, and many people believe that the Georgia Guidestones are advocating for a mass genocide. However, others believe that this guideline is simply meant to encourage us to live sustainably.
2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
The second guideline is about reproduction. Some people believe that it’s advocating for eugenics, while others believe that it’s simply calling for us to be responsible when reproducing.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
The third guideline calls for a new language. This could be interpreted as a call for a global language, or it could simply be a call for us to communicate better with each other.
4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
The fourth guideline calls for us to use reason to rule our lives. This could be interpreted as a call for atheism, or it could simply be a call for us to think critically about the things that we believe in.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
The fifth guideline calls for justice. This is a basic human right, and it’s something that we should all strive for.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
The sixth guideline calls for a world court. This could be interpreted as a call for a global government, or it could simply be a call for us to resolve our differences peacefully in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
The seventh guideline calls for us to avoid pointless laws and bureaucracy. This is something that many people can agree on, as there are often too many rules and regulations that don’t serve any purpose.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
The eighth guideline calls for us to strike a balance between our individual rights and our responsibilities to society. This is antithetical to our strongly held beliefs in our constitutionally protected civil rights and could lead to a totalitarian state if not handled carefully.
9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
The ninth guideline calls for us to seek truth, beauty, and love. This is a lofty goal, but it’s something that we should all aspire to.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
The tenth and final guideline calls for us to be good stewards of the Earth. This is something that we should all strive for, as our planet is the only home that we have.
There are a lot of different interpretations of the Georgia Guidestones, and no one knows for sure what the inscriptions mean. However, one thing is certain: they are a mysterious monument with a dire forecast for the future. Only time will tell if the Guidestones are a warning or a set of ideals that we should strive for. Either way, they are an important part of our history, and we should all try to understand them. Thanks for reading! I hope you found
this article enlightening.
What do you think about the Georgia Guidestones? Do you think they’re a warning or a set of ideals? Let me know in the comments below! And be sure to share this article with your friends if you found it interesting! Until next time!
NOTE: On 7/6/2022 at apx 0400hrs Eastern Time, the Guidestones were partially destroyed by an unknown entity. This article has been updated to reflect this new information. Thanks
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